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Looking to improve your strength? The following is a 5 day sample from one of our powerlifting programs: SQUAT STRONG


Warmup: 90 90 hip lift breathing 1 minute, Band distraction stretches (hip flexor, hamstring, adductor, ankle, pigeon) 30-60 seconds each, Band walks lateral 25 each, backwards 50, Deadbugs 14

1. Back Squat 5x8 67.5% 3 min rest= roll out feet, calves, shins

2a. Bench Press 4x10 62.5%

2b. Strict Pull up 4x3 3 min rest= tongue stick outs

3a. Deadlift 4x5 70%

3b. Chest Supported on incline bench DB Row 4x15 2.5 min rest

4a. Slow Strict Pushups 3x10 (add weight if possible)

4b. DB Reverse Lunges 3x5 each

4c. DB Farmers Carry 3x40 yards (go heavy here) 90 sec rest


Warmup: 90 90 hip lift breathing 1 minute, Band distraction stretches (hip flexor, hamstring, adductor, ankle, pigeon) 30-60 seconds each, Band walks lateral 25 each, backwards 50, Pushups 10, Deadbugs 14

1.Back Squat 6@ 60%, 5@ 65%, 4@ 70%, 3@75%, 2@ 80% 2.5 min rest= big toe lifts, little toe lifts

2. Deadlift 4x4 @ 75% 2.5 min rest= lace fingers between toes ankle circles

3a. DB RDLs 3x10 (stay lighter)

3b. Slow Strict Pullups 3x4 (add weight if possible) 2 min rest

4a. BB Bent Over Row 3x15 (perfect form)

4b. DB Hammer Curls 3x30 90 sec rest


Warmup: 90 90 hip lift breathing 1 minute, Band distraction stretches (hip flexor, hamstring, adductor, ankle, pigeon) 30-60 seconds each, Band walks lateral 25 each, backwards 50, Pull aparts 20, Deadbugs 14

1. Back Squat 5@ 60%, 5@ 70%, 6@ 75%, 7@ 75%, 8@ 75%, 9@ 75% rest 3.5-4 min= roll out feet, calves, shins

2. Bench Press 5@ 60%, 5@ 70%, 6@ 75%, 7@ 75%, 8@ 75%, 9@ 75% rest 3.5-4 min= roll out traps and chest

3. DB Farmers Carry 5x50 yards 90 sec rest


Warmup: 90 90 hip lift breathing 1 minute, 10 minute walk or bike, Band distraction stretches (hip flexor, hamstring, adductor, ankle, pigeon) 30-60 seconds each, Band walks lateral 25 each, backwards 50, Deadbugs 14

1. Back Squat 4@ 60%, 4@ 70%, 2x2@ 73% 2 min rest

2a. Slow Strict Pullup 4x4

2b. Snatch Grip Deadlift 4x4 55-60% 2 min rest

3. Chest Supported DB Row 4x15 2 min rest

4. BB Bicep Curls 4x15 2 min rest

5a. Reverse Flys 3x20

5b. Y Raises 3x15 rest 90 sec


Warmup: 90 90 hip lift breathing 1 minute, Band distraction stretches (hip flexor, hamstring, adductor, ankle, pigeon) 30-60 seconds each, Band walks lateral 25 each, backwards 50, Pushups 10, Deadbugs 14

1. Tempo Back Squat 5 Second Eccentric 3x3 @ 65%, 3x2 @ 68% rest 3 min= tongue sticks

2. Bench Press 5x8@ 70% rest 3 min= peripheral vision thumb drill

3a. Plate Front Raise 3x10

3b. Lateral Raise 3x10

3c. Reverse Flys 3x10

3d. Arnold Press 3x10

3e. Cuban Press 3x10 rest 2.5 min= roll traps and chest

4a. DB Overhead Carry 3x50 yards

4b. Close Grip Pushups 3x10 90 sec rest

Purchase one of our online programs and start getting stronger today!

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